Groot Haesebroekseweg 29A

The Mansion

This house is located in the one of the oldest areas of Wassenaar – Oud-Wassenaar. The street, Groot Haesebroekseweg, has been appearing every year in the list of most expensive streets in the Netherlands.

We named it “The Mansion” due to the recognizable style of the old French dwellings. The dark tiles on the roof paired with the rustic bricks create a feeling of monumental and immense structure, which will last forever.



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“ A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. “ George A. Moore

Wassenaar area

Transportation & travel

Wassenaar gives you advantageous possibilities to easily travel by any means of transport. Two airports, Schiphol and Rotterdam The Hague Airport, are located within a 30-minutes drive.

Natural choice for family

Wassenaar area is a natural choice for a family with kids due to its location in a green protected area surrounded by dunes. Many embassies and numerous international schools (ASH) are based in the areas of The Hague and Wassenaar.

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